PhalloGauge Penis Extender - User Manual

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Updated on May 20, 2019

General steps:

1. Rotate the hook to be perpendicular with the length of the red silicone.

Warning: Never pull the hook along the along the long length of the red silicone. This is incorrect usage.

Also, the hook does not separate from the red silicone at all.

2. With one hand gently pinch the mushroom tip of your penis and pull away from your body to elongate your shaft.

3. With the black hook on the outside (not touching the shaft) press the covered metal fastener to the left or right side of your shaft and directly below your mushroom tip.

4. Proceed to wrap the rest of the red silicone around your shaft and black part of the hook -- ideally, in a perfect cylinder (not a spiral). This wrapping should be snug, flush, and tight, but not completely choking your penis to death.

5. You will find the red silicone sticks to itself. After wrapping, put on the black ring around your shaft base, bring the belt around your waist and connect the white mating hooks.

6. The flexible, black stretch black hook (the segment connected to the white hook and the red silicone) goes over the glans (mushroom tip) and holds your penis in place against your waist.

7. Tuck your underwear underneath the white hooks for comfort.

Read this!

You will experience slight discomfort and in some cases a minor irritation of the skin. This is completely normal and is a sign that you're training your penis properly.

Remember, your stretching your penis to create micro tears similar to breaking down muscle mass when lifting weights at the gym.

Definitely start off easy (small tension) to get used to daily usage of the device. Then slowly increase tension to challenge yourself, just like at the gym.

Warning! However, if you experience any intense, sharp pain, either decrease the amount of tension in the belt, by making it longer, or stop using the PhalloGauge altogether.

After you've learned how to put on the PhalloGauge, read our guide on 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Penis Enlargement